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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 5, 2019

Appropriate resolution

Hình ảnh
Appropriate resolution Most people today when buying  gaming monitors  tend to choose products that have the most number of pixels possible. And sometimes this is an unwise habit. The higher resolution really gives us a more detailed picture. But it also takes a lot of hard work to pull up the graphics card, depending on the game. In addition, Window's DPI strain rate is not really perfect. Therefore, you need to understand the power of the PC you already own, then choose the best resolution and best gaming monior size. For ease of understanding, take the example of  1080p gaming monitor LCD . When stretching the image to full screen, the resolution will be reduced compared to the original resolution, from which the image quality is greatly reduced. Even choosing lower graphics levels is not as good as choosing low-resolution  gaming computer monitors  from the start. Today, the 1080p resolution (1920x1080) has become a standard for most PCs in the wor...